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Facial Liposuction

The purpose of facial Liposuction is to combine fat removal from the chin, cheeks, jowls, and neck to achieve balance and symmetry throughout the entire face. Dr Liliav is extensively trained and will address all surrounding areas to ensure a greater sense of proportion achieving a slender and firm look. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Liliav to learn more about facial liposuction and our range of other facial enhancement procedures.

Who is a candidate for Facial Lipo?

  • As we all know our faces is the focal point of our appearance and facial liposuction can help to enhance your look by removing stored fat deposits and refresh your natural beauty. If you are concerned that your cheeks are too puffy or chubby and feel you need a slimmer facial appearance facial Liposuction can deliver optimal results.

             If you are looking to reduce fullness in different areas to                                           slenderize the face for a youthful appearance.

Facial Liposuction FAQ

  • Q. Can I request Liposuction of my Neck?

    A. Patients with good skin quality and whose main signs of aging in the neck are due to excess or displaced fat can benefit from liposuction alone. Small, inconspicuously placed incisions are used to suction out fat through a cannula (thin, hollow tube).


    • Fat along the jawline
    • Displaced fat that hangs in the neck
    • A double chin

    Patients undergoing surgery should stop smoking six weeks prior to surgery, and they avoid taking anti-inflammatory medication (e.g., aspirin, ibuprofen, etc.) and herbal medications that can cause increased bleeding for two weeks prior to surgery.

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