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Body Contouring

Everyone deserves to feel confident and comfortable with every part of their body and that’s where body contouring comes in to eliminate fat and reshape different areas of the body and tighten the skin. This cosmetic procedure works on small and large areas of your body where exercising and eating right may not be enough to look your best self and accomplish a contoured body shape. This body sculpting surgery will reshape almost any area of the body. When it comes to body contouring or any cosmetic surgery, every patient has their own unique surgical need.  In your consultation with Dr. Liliav, he will take into account all your concerns and he will tailor your entire body habitus, skin quality and create a beautiful outcome.

Contouring &Treatable Areas

Body Contouring is a very versatile procedure that can be used to remove stubborn fat from almost any area of the body. With a specialized suctioning device, excess fat deposits are permanently removed through small incisions using a thin hollow tube called a cannula.

Neck and Cheeks

Excess fat below the jaw and in the neck can create a double chin, and too much fat in the cheeks can make even a thin person appear much heavier. Procedure can restore a smoother profile to the neck and cheeks to improve definition in the face and along the jawline.


The accumulation of fat in the upper arms can lead to embarrassing flab that hangs and jiggles with every movement, making many feel self-conscious when wearing clothing that exposes this area. Procedure can remove this excess fat to restore more slender arms with better definition.

Abdomen and Waist

The midsection is one of the most difficult areas to rid of stubborn fat. Procedure produces a slimmer waistline and flatter abdomen by eliminating this resistant fat for good.

Back and Flanks

Many men have extra fat on their backs and sides just above their waists, and women commonly have unnecessary fat along their bra line. Procedure can reduce this fat to achieve a smooth back and eliminate stubborn “love handles.”


Fat deposits that gather in the buttocks can cause permanent sagging and loss of a pleasant butt shape. Procedure will restore a firmer, rounder contour to the buttocks to improve the overall appearance of the butt.

Hips and Thighs

Excessive fat in the hips and thighs can cause unsightly “saddlebags” to develop, often resulting in discomfort and embarrassment. Procedure can provide a slimmer appearance and sculpt your hips and thighs to help make your body bikini-ready and boost your confidence.

Knees and Ankles

Excess fat accumulation in the lower legs can result in flabby knees and “cankles,” causing many to hide their legs even during the warmer summer months. Procedure can effectively contour and remove unwanted fat and sculpt the legs into a thinner and more defined shape.

Before Your Procedure

Before the procedure, it is recommended that you do the following:

  • Do not take any anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin or ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) for at least two weeks.
  • Refrain from smoking for at least two weeks
  • Refrain from drinking alcohol for at least one week
  • Shower the morning of surgery, but do not apply any lotions or other moisturizers.
  • Arrange to have someone drive you home after the procedure.

Your Transformation Is Complete!

After a couple of weeks, swelling and bruising will subside, and the contours of your body will be noticeably slimmer and more defined. Compression garment should be worn to accelerate the healing process and reduce swelling and pain.

Body Contouring FAQ

  • Q. Am I a good candidate for Body Contouring?

    A. Ideal candidates for Body Contouring are close to their ideal weight with stubborn areas of fat that have been difficult to eliminate with diet and exercise. Candidates are in good overall health and do not have any pre-existing health conditions. It is important to have realistic expectations of the procedure and to understand that liposuction is not a weight-loss procedure.

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