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360 Lower Body Lift (Belt Lipectomy)

A body lift procedure is done to tone underlying tissue that supports the skin or the fat, in the surgery the loose skin and fat is removed by tightening the back, and removing the extra roll of excess sagging skin, dimpled and any irregular skin surfaces.

A body lift procedure will improve self-image and improve a patient’s overall shape. The procedure will boost self-confidence and achieve leaner abdominal, smoother back and waistline. The appearance of excess skin from men and women after post weight loss, often happens after bariatric surgery can be significant and can seriously affect the body image.

Sometimes liposuctions and other body sculpting procedures are done at the same time. A bra line back lift leaves a horizontal incision along the bra line and a belt lipectomy shows a 360 horizontal waistline incision. Keep in mind scars differ in the quality base of the patient’s skin and it is imperative to avoid sun exposure to prevent hyperpigmentation in the area and follow a regimen of silicone scar cream to keep the scar moisturized which may help.

It is very important to understand all aspects of your body lift. It’s natural to feel some anxiety.  In your initial medical evaluation Dr. Liliav will answer all your questions and discus your body lift options and expectation to deliver great results.

360 Lower Body Lift (Belt Lipectpmy)

Body lifts can be performed in the following areas:

  • Abdominal area- locally or extended area around the sides and into the lower back area where the incision connects.
  • Bra line
  • Thigh-The inner, outer or posterior thigh.

360 Lower Body Lift (Belt Lipectpmy)

  • Q. What is the recovery process for a body lift

    A. Discomfort for a few weeks is to be expected also bruising, swelling and numbness. Circumferential incision may take 5 weeks. Wearing compression garment following the surgery for at least 2 months to support your body and decrease swelling is important in addition to lymphatic massages to remove excessive lymphatic fluids, to avoid swelling and scar tissue. Certain activities, such as bending, lifting, straining or engaging in vigorous exercise should also be avoided.

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